Musings, insights, tips and inspiration all wrapped up into one blog!
Musings, insights, tips and inspiration all wrapped up into one blog!
You have my permission to quit
Quitting is an absolutely valid option. I recently witnessed the sale of a bricks and mortar business. The seller was relieved, excited, and couldn't wait for Monday morning when she wouldn't have...
Taking my own advice (how I’ve adjusted my services for the current economic climate)
Sustainable businesses require evolution. Here's mine. I am not one to shy away from talking about the changes that have happened in business and the economy over the last few years. And part of...
The 6 & 7 figure myth
While reading Mel Daniel's book The Power of Content I had an epiphany: The strategic plans I create for clients aren't merely financial plans. They are holistic plans. Yes financial analysis and...
The budgeting challenge is here!
It took a village but the challenge is open! 2023 hasn't been a year of hitting my goals. Instead, I have achieved things like allowing myself to take time off, challengeing misconceptions and...
Too scared to look at your numbers?
THE ONLY THING WORSE THAN FEELING WATCHED... ... Is feeling watched AND judged. We blow the leaves and flowers from the footpath in front of the dental surgery to ensure the surgery is...
A dreaded letter from CentreLink
This week I got a letter from Centrelink saying I had failed to provide some information. I predict endless lines. Endless forms. Endless documentation. And a mounting feeling that I have absolutely...
My controversial thoughts on the current economy
The earth is always in a state of ebb and flow. Rising tides, falling tides. Sun rises, sunsets. Time for work, time for rest. Economic upturn, economic downturn. I completely understand that this...
4 lessons from my favourite Christmas movie
I’m a sucker for a Christmas movie. This time of year I love indulging in the magical and non-sensical and Elf would have to be at the top of my Christmas movie list. With a host of famous faces and...
You are not a failure if you don’t hit your goals.
It’s coming into that time of year when everyone starts talking about planning and goal setting for the next year. Going hand in hand with this is the review process – what worked and what didn’t...
The Key to Manifesting your Money Goals
Manifesting is the practice of thinking aspirational thoughts with the purpose of making them real. Now, thinking positive thoughts in and of itself is not going to make your dream come true, is...
Pricing for profit
Setting a price for your product or service is a difficult task, let alone thinking about increasing them. I see so many entrepreneurs searching for the silver bullet when it comes to pricing, but...
Scale your business, and love every minute
When you scale your business, it’s simply referring to meeting the demands of more clients by doing less or the same amount of work. For service-based businesses this usually means moving away from...

© The Flow Society - Eliza Ludwig