
Sustainable businesses require evolution. Here’s mine.

I am not one to shy away from talking about the changes that have happened in business and the economy over the last few years.
And part of that is to always showcase options for how businesses can adapt to these changes.
Today I am sharing the changes I have made.

1. I have rationalised my packages.
I am a HUGE fan for simplicity and when it comes to your offer suite I am an ENORMOUS fan (if that’s even English).

I see so many businesses creating packages and stocking products because one or two people asked for it. These then become another product to market (or mark-down if the products don’t sell), fit into their workflow and ensure a quality product for their clients.

NO! Stop! By reducing the number of offers they can market, plan and deliver each effectively.
What have I cut out? The Start and Scale Simply is gone as is the Money Map. Truthfully the outputs of each are found within other offers anyway, so I still deliver these, just in different ways.

2. I have made one offer more extensive…

My clients and I loved the Finance in Flow Consult. But ultimately there was a bit lacking. I wasn’t able to go in depth as much as I like to, nor offer any follow up support. It was kind of like those people you meet when travelling: you seem to be following the same path and you share so much and really get along but then they go south and you go west and you always wonder what ever happened to Anna and Kath.

Enter the Week of Wealth

As well as the consult I have added week-long support and more in depth education and guidance.
A question comes up aftre the consult? No issues. I’ll discuss with you.
Wish you could have a simple template for tracking your cash flow? Sure, I’ll send it over to you.

3. And one offer less extensive
My mission is and always has been to make entrepreneurship a financially viable option but my prices were out of reach of those really wanting and needing my expertise.

I have taken out some data and reviews and reduced the price of my Baseline to Blue Sky package (and still offer an interest-free payment plan on this).

More people can access it (yay!); I can fulfil my mission (double yay!) and the additional support is available through the Flow Society or the Week of Wealth.

I mean, C’MON!!

More details on my services page here

4. I’ve added an ongoing group program
This is no secret.

It’s been something I’ve wanted to do since I started this business. In fact, in the early days I had a monthly in-person catch up doing just this. It was the actual best and now I’m gearing up for the launch of that.

More details on my services page here
(Because I wanted to get this right, I have pushed the launch of this to July 2024.)

Which offer are you most keen on? I’d love to know.

I won’t add you to another list. (Unless you want me to). I’m just genuinely curious.

Happy to chat you about any and all of these offers.
Simply book a call.
Have a brilliant day folks!